Bradford Railway Circle 


Welcome to the Bradford Railway circle website.

Traffic Notice
Meetings take place on a 4-weekly basis. Please see Meetings page.

Bradford Railway Circle was founded in 1945 after a Bradford gentleman put an advert in the Telegraph and Argus and as of 2020 we have approximately 50 members.
In 2015 we celebrated 70 years  with a dinner on the KWVR (see Gallery).



The webmaster's links
 HellifieldAD   Jubilee Refreshment Rooms   Bradford Trolleybus Association   Huddersfield Railway Circle 


Summer Events
We will probably be holding further visits in 2024
Updates on these will be given at Meetings and on the Website


Summer Events
Two trips out were arranged
1. Middleton Railway Sunday 20th August
2. KWVR Fish & Chip special Saturday 23rd September


Meetings programme restarted.
November 2021 - Venue changed from Sedbergh Community Centre to Bradford Mechanics' Institute Library.


Meetings programme suspended owing to coronavirus. Digital versions of "The Circular" issued (downloadable PDFs) in place of printed versions.


A selection of pictures from the Circle dinner on the KWVR summer 2015 added to gallery page

The 2016 diary added to the diary page. A pdf copy can be downloaded from the downloads page.

To celebrate our 70 years of existence the Circle held a Members' Sunday Lunch trip on the KWVR on 12th July 2015.