Bradford Railway Circle 

About and Contacts

About us
We were founded in 1945 after a Bradford gentleman put an advert in the Telegraph and Argus and as of 2020 we had approximately 50 members.
In 2020 we celebrated 75 years of existence.
After our previous venue at Heaton Baptist Church closed in April 2014 we met at Sedbergh Community Centre, Huddersfield Road, Odsal until October 2021.
From December 2021, meetings will be held every four weeks at Bradford Mechanics' Institute Library, 76 Kirkgate, Bradford BD1 1SZ (See Diary and Links pages)
Meetings commence at 7.30pm, with access from 7.00pm. At meetings there is a collection-box, (£3 non members) to help us defray expenses.
Usually 30-or-so members are in attendance for each meeting, which may comprise a slide or film show, quiz or discussion usually with a transport theme.
Our Annual General Meeting is normally held in December.

President   Philip Lockwood
Vice-President   Eddie Lumb
Secretary Peter Holden Mobile.07776 475064
Treasurer   Bill Jagger
Circle Editor   Ian Button
Publicity officer Position Vacant
Temporary Webmaster Ian Button